
    Reuben, el conejo adicto a los dientes de león

    12 diciembre, 2017

    Este precioso conejito tiene un récord muy particular: el de comerse dientes de león a la velocidad de un rayo. ¿Quieres conocerle? ¡Sigue leyendo!

    Reuben es un simpático conejo marrón que vive con sus dueños en Melbourne, Australia. Pero también es uno de los conejos más seguidos de Instagram, donde ya acumula más de 50.000 seguidores.

    Reuben ha conquistado el corazón de todos ellos gracias a videos tan graciosos como este.

    En él le vemos devorar un diente de león a una velocidad de vértigo. ¡Le chiflan!

    Pero no solo es adicto a esta planta, también le encanta comer plátanos y cualquier cosa que se le ponga por delante.

    Gotta eat your greens ? #rabbit #rabbitsofinstagram

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    Por si fuera poco, disfruta posando en las fotos, así que no es de extrañar que sus dueños se lo pasen pipa retratándole para compartirlo en las redes sociales.

    Rabbits require a lot of care. The idea of rabbits being a good 'starter pet' for children couldn't be more wrong, as they are such delicate animals who are in need of a very specific diet (quality hay and green, leafy vegetables) and are probably not as cuddly as you're expecting, they need a lot of patience from you to gain trust. They can live up to 12 years of age, their food bills/vet bills can be expensive (yes a rabbit should be spayed/neutered), they need toys to keep them busy, they will probably chew your electrical cords if not covered, they need to be brushed regularly, rabbits are prey animals so being picked up can be terrifying and if sick they will try and hide it from you, with lack of training they're not going to use the litter tray and they also need the company of a rabbit companion and you! Easter is a sad and scary time for bunny lovers as so many rabbits are adopted this time of year without a thought, then neglected for the rest of their lives. Please think before adopting, if you're not prepared for a 12 year costly commitment, choose chocolate this Easter ??? #easter #rabbit #rabbitsofinstagram

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