
    Juniper, el ‘perrizorro’ más famoso de Internet

    23 enero, 2018

    Si pensabas que un animal salvaje no podía convertirse en la mascota ideal, estabas muy equivocado. Es el caso de Juniper, una adorable zorrita que ha ‘mutado’ a perro gracias a los cuidados de su dueña. ¡No te pierdas su historia!

    ¿Zorro o perro?
    Juniper fue rescatada por su ahora ‘mamá’, Jessica, cuando sólo tenía cinco semanas. Desde entonces, son inseparables.

    El animal convive con ella como si se tratara de un perro o un gato, en su propia casa. Duerme en la cama, revolotea por la cocina pidiendo comida…

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    ?"How has having a fox affected your everyday life…I'm curious if you've had trouble with everyday tasks that people can do freely like leaving for groceries, cooking/meal prep, working a job, having friends over, taking time for a shower or bath, your sleep schedule, etc?" -@natureismyfriend . ? Living with a fox means adjusting the way you live. I realize In a sense that sounds dramatic, but anyone who has lived with one of these animals can attest to that. From what pictures I post you can see that Juniper is inside a majority of the time. While she has an outdoor enclosure she seems to prefer being indoors with us. Having her inside is a full time job. It's comparable to having a toddler. Foxes enjoy digging and chewing, so she has to be monitored while she's inside so that she doesn't destroy anything or get into anything that could potentially hurt her. ? I'm no longer allowed to be lazy. Sometimes you want to just come home and get comfortable, maybe throw your clothes in a pile and deal with them later. If I did that I'd immediately be short of an outfit. Foxes love to pick up random things, run off somewhere you can't reach them, and chew it to bits. Shoes, hats, remotes, bras, sunglasses. If they can fit it in their mouth and you leave it in reach, it doesn't belong to you anymore. So in that regard, I'm constantly cleaning up behind myself and her. ? When it comes to cooking Juniper is normally right underfoot, excited about all the yummy smells. The downside to that is that most foxes "happy pee". While Juniper is litter box trained she still pees when she gets excited, some of your puppies or small dogs may do the same. She gets MOST excited about food so if she's inside while I'm cooking she pees every 3.5 seconds waiting for a bite. So she typically waits outside when I know I'm about to start preparing a meal. ? Foxes are pretty skittish animals. When people come over she's very wary and stand offish, she usually goes and hides for a while and only ventures to say hello if treats are involved. ? Unfortunately, the other half of this caption didn't fit. If you have a question you'd like answered comment below ?? #livingwithjuni

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    En cuanto Jessica comenzó a mostrar estos comportamientos en las redes sociales, Juniper se convirtió en todo un fenómeno viral. No es de extrañar. ¿Quién puede resistirse a tanta ternura?

    Parte de la familia
    A pesar de ser un animal salvaje, la pequeña se acostumbró rápidamente a vivir en una casa. Adora pasar tiempo con su familia y los mimos de su dueña.

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    Fox cuddles and finger nibbles just might be the cure to any ailment. ? We talk about Juniper being happy all of the time and I see so many comments saying "I wish I was this happy". While I realize it's mostly facetious, after a discussion with my friend last night we realized our generation has a strong disconnect with what actually makes us happy and what is "supposed" to make us happy. ? 90% of those of you following us are women, and why is it that so many women are drawn to Juniper? Is it because she's cute or is it because there is an inherent wild nature in all of us? The desire to feel closeness to something so free spirited, because in the beginning, as little girls, we all started off as free spirits. Since today is #Womensday I'd like to know what makes you feel truly happy and free? How does your soul express itself in its own soulful ways?

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    La lleva con ella a todas partes. ¡Incluso en el coche! Por supuesto, con las medidas de seguridad adecuadas.

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    ?Traveling with a fox? After announcing that we would be traveling with Moose yesterday many of you brought up great questions about what traveling with Juniper would be like. ? Vacations are pretty much nonexistent for foxes. Firstly, let's talk about rabies. Foxes need rabies shots just like dogs. However, the rabies shot is not a legally recognized vaccine for foxes. Because of this foxes cannot be boarded at kennels or doggy day cares. ? "So bring Juniper with you?" Traveling with any exotic animal is difficult, especially foxes. In order to cross state lines with a fox it's required that you call each state's Department of Natural Rresources to advise/get authorization to import. While it is possible to take her, it's pretty difficult and some states do not permit import, even when just driving though and because of her rabies vaccinations not being recognized many hotels will not permit her to stay. ? "Who watches her for you?" Foxes bond closely with only one or two people. Interaction with new people or even people she knows, but doesn't interact with daily can be very stressful. It's also difficult to find someone who would be up to the enormous task of caring for her in our absence. Luckily, I have a wonderful family that loves her as much as I do and doesn't mind babysitting every once in a while. (P.S. Who's going to be at the bottle release at wicked weed tonight? ?) #livingwithjuni

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    En su Instagram podemos ver parte de sus cuidados, entre los que se encuentra el baño. “Los zorros tienen un olor muy fuerte”, explica su dueña. Afortunadamente, no parece que a Juniper le desagrade el jabón.

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    ?Grooming?.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So foxes smell pretty bad right? Well, bathing them doesn't really help with that. The way they smell is directly related to their urine and violet gland so for those of you that asked if I give Juniper a bath will it help with the smell, the answer is no. On the upside foxes are generally pretty clean animals. I rarely need to bathe her. Baths happen about once every other month. Foxes do shed. They tend to not shed as badly in the winter, but during the spring they "blow" their entire winter coat. It will come off in large clumps and matting is something we have to watch out for. Brushing is a must while she's blowing her coat. Luckily for me she really enjoys being brushed. Like I said before, foxes are diggers and they have nails that are perfect for digging. I personally feel like her nails grow at least 3x's faster than Moose's nails. So we clip them regularly. I started clipping her nails when she very young so she wouldn't be frightened by the clippers. She normally just lays down and stretches out her paws for me to get all of those bad boys in order. Like any lady, she loves a good manicure. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✨I'll be doing educational posts every Thursday guys. If you're new here I've tagged all of our informational posts under the hashtag #livingwithjuni. If you go to the tag you can find other posts regarding her care and how she came to live with me!

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    Su mejor amigo
    Aunque quizá lo que haya llamado más la atención de esta historia sea la fuerte amistad que une a Juniper con Moose, un pastor australiano que también forma parte de esta peculiar familia.

    Tanto se quieren que hasta comparten helados.

    “Los zorros suelen poner el culo sobre las cosas que quieren tener o piensan que son suyas. Y Juniper se sienta sobre Moose diariamente”, cuenta Jessica. Con esta curiosa forma de demostrar afecto, no cabe duda de que Juniper y Moose se adoran.

    Hasta ‘recrean’ escenas románticas de películas como ‘La Dama y el Vagabundo’ o ‘Titanic’.

    Una mascota complicada
    Pero no es oro todo lo que reluce. Jessica insiste en las desventajas que implica tener un zorro como mascota. Mal olor, instinto cazador, comportamientos destructivos, necesidad de espacio exterior, alimentación a base de carne cruda, etc. Responsabilidad ante todo.

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    "If you want to be happy, be" #tolstoy

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    Juniper suma más de dos millones de seguidores en Instagram, y la cifra va en aumento. Además, tiene su propia página web y merchandising: libros, ropa, calendarios, etc. Anímate a conocerla pero cuidado, ¡sus fotos son adictivas!

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